BM TRADA’s responsibly sourced 大豆, 可可, and animal feed certification allows agricultural products to be traced back through the supply chain, helping you prove the sustainability of your products. 

Sustainable supply chain certification applies to all companies in the supply chain that take ownership of and handle the product.

It provides evidence that the product comes from well-managed and certified sources and verifies that they are not mixed with products from un-certified sources at any point in the supply chain except under strict management controls.

BM TRADA’s Responsibly Sourced Certification Services

BM TRADA’s 茶m of certification experts provides credible evidence that your supply chain is secure and traceable, and ensures the sustainability of your products.

Our services help you demonstrate commitment to good agricultural practices and responsible sourcing, allowing you to maintain markets for your products or to gain access to new markets. 

Our certification for 大豆, 可可, and animal feed allows flexibility to purchase these products from several potential certified sources. Where required, we also ensure the absence of genetically modified 大豆 in human food ingredients.

For more information about our certification services or to speak with one of our experts, im体育APP 今天. 

The purpose of agriculture is to meet the population's nutritional needs, either directly or through providing feed that is converted into animal protein or dairy products. 

As the population increases, along with the way we seek to obtain these calories, the demand for agricultural land also rises. This brings conflict with other important ecosystems, such as forests, 湿地, and other land types. 

The animal feed certification helps feed producers to meet the increasing demand in a responsible manner, improve market access, and prove their dedication to feed safety.

Our 茶m of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, 欧洲, The Middle East, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.