确保法规遵从性, 最优性能, and reliable functionality of your radio frequency identification devices, 通过im体育APP严格的RFID测试. 减少停机时间和中断, with our cutting-edge solutions to verify your  products comply with safety, EMC, 无线电性能要求, 以及RFID标准.



Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology enables the accurate tracking of people, 资产, 产品及库存. 使用电磁场和无线电波,RFID标签和 无线设备 能在没有身体接触的情况下识别人和物体吗. RFID的用途数不胜数, 从零售产品, 图书馆的书, 机场的情况下, 员工药品和牲畜的电子护照, 智能卡和门禁卡. The number of RFID tags is growing fast, with a 20% increase year on year.

测试 these devices for functionality and 安全 is critical as they are often responsible for tracking and monitoring vital information with implications for supply chains, 工作效率, 安全, 健康, 和安全. 系统 downtime, as well as inaccurate or incomplete data, could have significant consequences.



  • 遵从性保证: We ensure that your systems and components comply with industry standards and regulations, 将法律和法规问题的风险降至最低.
  • 性能优化停机和中断可能代价高昂且具有破坏性. 通过评估信号强度, 阅读范围, 环境因素, we help optimize the overall performance of your RFID systems and reduce the risk of failures, 无论在什么情况下.
  • 考虑所有可能发生的事情: 我们的 custom testing solutions help you to simulate and predict how your RFID device will react in even the most challenging environments.
  • 改善供应链管理: Utilizing fully tested RFID technology allows for faster and more automated processes, 减少人为错误的风险,降低运营成本.
  • 定制解决方案: 我们的 services can be tailored to your specific industry needs, providing customized solutions for applications ranging from 健康care and aerospace to 工业 and 运输 sectors.
  • 提高成本效率: 我们的 testing evaluates the physical robustness of your RFID tags, 有助于它们的耐用性, 确保在具有挑战性的环境中使用寿命更长, 减少昂贵的维护和服务延误.



在我们的互操作性验证过程中, we focus on establishing a harmonious connection and compatibility across your RFID ecosystem. We assess and validate the potential interactions between your RFID tags and 读者, 尤其是当采购来自不同的制造商时. This thorough evaluation aims at not just promoting but guaranteeing system-wide compatibility. We address the challenges that you may face in multi-vendor environments, providing you with the confidence that your RFID components will work cohesively and efficiently regardless of their origin. 



im体育APP’s experts take a proactive stance in identifying potential vulnerabilities within your RFID systems. 我们的 thorough analysis pinpoints weak points that could compromise the integrity of your sensitive data. 一旦识别出漏洞, we can advise on robust 安全 measures tailored to fortify your RFID infrastructure. We want to ensure that your valuable data remains protected and confidential. By collaborating to address vulnerabilities and implement stringent 安全 measures, we empower you to operate confidently in environments where data 安全 is paramount.






im体育APP provides radio frequency identification devices (RFID) testing and certification to the key standards for devices such as tags, 读者, 和天线.

  • 建议和指导
  • 测试计划生成和风险分析
  • 说测试
  • 完成文档
  • 在现实生活环境中的测试
  • FCC CFR 47 Part 15C
  • Aim 7351731 (fda)
  • Etsi en 300 330-2
  • Etsi 302 208-2
  • Etsi en 302 291-2 



im体育APP is a Telecommunication 认证 Body (TCB) for the FCC,合格评定机构(CAB) 产品适用,欧盟RED公告机构服务 CE标志日本的无线电认证机构(RCB). 我们的 全球市场准入 team provides a full suite of testing and certification services for your RFID devices to reach the worldwide market smoothly and on time.



In medical device safety assessment, adherence to standards like 目标7351731 is essential. 这一标准得到了美国的认可.S. FDA, focuses on the risks associated with RFID 读者 in medical environments. Manufacturers are required to assess these risks alongside standard requirements, ensuring the safety of medical electrical products exposed to RFID. im体育APP, 凭借我们在EMC和医疗设备测试方面的专业知识, offers specialized services to assist medical device manufacturers in preparing for and testing against the 目标7351731 standard.



im体育APP tests and certifies thousands of 无线设备 every year. 无论你是在航空航天领域, 医疗设备, 工业, 运输, 或者其他im体育平台app下载, 我们有专业知识来定制和 射频测试解决方案 精确满足您的要求.

我们的 laboratories in the US and UK perform ISO 17025 accredited testing and can offer a comprehensive RFID testing program. As market leaders across many testing and certification services, including offering a wide range of other radio and wireless testing solutions, you can benefit from our global network of services from one single provider. 无论你的RFID要求是什么, im体育APP’s experts are happy to assist in navigating the path to safety, 质量, 以及标签和阅读器的合规性.

讨论您的RFID测试要求,或了解更多信息 关于im体育APP, 立即im体育APP


  • 目标7351731
  • Etsi en 300 330-2 v1.6.1; 
  • Etsi 302 208-2 v2.1.1; 
  • Etsi en 302 291-2 v1.1.1; 
  • FCC CFR 47 Part 15C;
  • 日本无线电法条例
  • 发射无线电波的工业设施


在本文中, Steve Hayes discusses the key requirements when looking at the impact of electromagnetic interferences on 医疗设备. He explains some issues manufacturers should consider for risk assessment, 电气安全, EMC, 无线电测试.



There are now billions of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular devices in use. Device manufacturers must manage risks and work proactively to prevent interference in their products. 了解更多.





im体育APP offers radio-frequency (RF) protocol and parametric testing services to ensure your radio and wireless products are compliant and fit for purpose.



Ensure your radio equipment uses the radio frequency spectrum effectively, with im体育APP’s comprehensive radio frequency (RF) testing services.



im体育APP提供射频一致性测试服务, helping you demonstrate effective radio spectrum usage and adherence to country-specific regulations.

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im体育APP works as your Global Market Access service partner to help you navigate complex regulations and get your products to market quickly and efficiently.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.