Element的端到端石棉服务套件可以在您创建更安全的场所的每一步为您提供支持. 从最初的鉴定和现场石棉确认, through to risk assessment, full project management, advisory support and even training; our experts are here to help property owners, developers and organizations make informed decisions, 确保你的依从性,并指导你完成通常会让你感到难以应付的任务. 


What are asbestos services and why do I need them?


Investing in thorough asbestos management plans, professional expertise, 对合规和安全措施的持续承诺是保护您的场所免受石棉问题影响的最佳方式, now and in the future. 


Element的端到端石棉服务旨在相互补充, 允许您通过单一的ukas认证提供商实现完全的石棉合规和安心, 提供本地现场和实验室功能,包括:




  • 确保符合健康、安全、法律和法规要求我们帮助您管理与石棉法规合规性相关的挑战和风险. 制定石棉法规并确保遵守当地法规, state, 联邦法律可能是复杂和繁琐的-让Element的专家指导您完成整个过程.
  • Manage financial costs识别、清除和处理石棉是非常昂贵的. Our surveys, testing, 管理服务可以帮助您做出明智的决定,避免不必要的成本.
  • Avoid project delays在工程开始前确认石棉的存在,可以避免在建造或翻新期间发现石棉, 这通常需要暂停工作,直到石棉被正确清除.
  • Mitigate negative publicity: 如果石棉问题成为公众知识,业主或组织的声誉可能受到损害,这总是一个令人担忧的问题——通过确保您完全合规, you reduce any reputational risk.
  • Reduce environmental Impact:使用我们的专业服务有助于确保您在石棉战略中对环境负责.
  • 把自己、租户和员工的健康放在第一位确保可能在建筑物或设施中接触石棉的租户或雇员的健康和安全可能是一个重大问题. 我们建议取样和测试只由完全合格的个人进行. 为什么要拿自己、租户和员工的健康冒险呢? The Element team of experts can help.
  • Avoid decreased property valuation石棉污染会降低房产的价值,使其更难出售或出租. 通过确保你已经确定了任何石棉的风险,并在出售前彻底处理这个问题, 你可以抵销你财产价值的任何减少.




A proactive commitment to ensuring a safe environment isn't just about obeying the law; it's a pivotal element in responsible corporate image management. 您处理石棉的方法会显著影响您组织的声誉, legal position, and public perception. 因此,调整企业责任目标是很重要的, regulatory demands, and safety criteria.


Our expert team provides rigorous asbestos testing, 超越法规遵从性的建议和管理. With a suite of services, from initial surveying to testing and sampling, short-term advisory plans, and long-term management, 根据您的具体需求和时间表量身定制——这种方法可以培养信任, bolsters reputation, and upholds industry standards.



 Your Asbestos Experts


fiona murphy

Fiona Murphy

Element’s UK Head of Asbestos CONTACT OUR EXPERTS
Ross Heeley

Ross Heeley

Element’s UK Asbestos National Account Manager CONTACT OUR EXPERTS

Why Choose Element?

By choosing Element for your asbestos services, 您将获得涵盖流程各个方面的全面解决方案, from planning to application. We start with thorough on-site inspections, precise testing, 以及全面的风险评估,以准确识别含石棉材料. 我们的UKAS认可实验室确保最精确的石棉分析. 然后,我们根据您的具体需求制定定制的石棉管理计划, serving as a roadmap for safe and efficient handling. 这种端到端方法与我们高素质的专家相结合, 确保您不仅完全遵守规定,而且还保障所有相关人员的健康和福祉, 使Element成为您石棉管理旅程中值得信赖的合作伙伴.

  • bohs合格石棉顾问和CoCA合格检测专家
  • UKAS通过了iso17020石棉测量和17025分析服务认证
  • 按照HSG248进行测试和分析,按照HSG264进行调查
  • 所有建议和指导均符合《im体育APP》下的国家立法
  • 合格的石棉专家遍布英国,欧洲和中东

Don't hesitate to contact us today 了解更多有关我们的端到端石棉服务及支援.

How to dispose of asbestos waste

Read our FAQ on how to dispose of asbestos waste, the best way to handle waste, the clearance process & how third-party management can help you.

Read our FAQ

What is asbestos removal?

你可浏览有关石棉清除的常见问题解答,了解如何清除石棉, who is responsible for removing it, & how we can support you with asbestos removal.

Read our FAQ

What types of asbestos removal are there?


Read our FAQ

Our team of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.

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