Bs en 14181是包含校准的欧洲标准, 测试, 及持续排放监察系统的整体表现. Our team undertake annual EN 14181 maintenance 和 annual surveillance 测试 to ensure safe 和 compliant operations to all quality assurance levels. 

什么是EN 14181?

EN 14181 describes the quality assurance procedures needed to ensure that CEMs - installed to measure emissions to atmosphere – comply with strict requirements related to uncertainty on measured values. There are 4 quality assurance levels defined in EN 14181, which are explained further down the page. 


为什么选择im体育APP进行EN 14181校准和测试?

Our dedicated Emissions Monitoring Teams conduct more 测试 of this kind than anyone else in the UK or 爱尔兰. 每年通过350多个EN 14181项目,我们获得了巨大的价值, 现实世界的, 有处理各种可能出现的情况的实际经验.

Our vast experience in delivering CEMS measurements that are representative 和 accurate, gives you confidence that your CEMS is reliable 和 functioning to a high st和ard in order to comply with legislation. 

如果CEMS工作不准确, 我们的专家将找出问题的来源,并就最佳行动方案向您提供建议. We offer training courses for detailed insight into best practice for the management of CEMS. 此外,我们提供 临时河北 solutions to eliminate the risk of non-compliance after an unexpected breakdown of your system. 

了解更多信息,并与我们的专家交谈,包括 马克-艾略特 和 詹姆斯·埃尔德里奇立即im体育APP.

视频:了解更多关于Bs en 14181

im体育APP developed our Centre of Technical Excellence especially for EN 14181 work with the aim of establishing a clear industry-leading set of best practices 和 act as a hub of knowledge focusing all our expertise 和 practical know-how to deliver accurate, 为客户提供强有力的支持和建议.

EN 14181 is complex 和 vitally important 和 you can rely on our trusted experts to give the best possible customer focused assistance to guide you through the process from start to finish.

“Our technical experts offer guidance 和 support to ensure your CEMs are functioning to a high st和ard 和 make certain your measurements are accurate.”




QAL1 uses pre-described criteria to prove that the total uncertainty of the CEMS meets the requirements 和 specifications 和 is fit for purpose.

The total uncertainty is calculated by summing together all the relevant uncertainty components arising from specific performance characteristics.



QAL2涉及使用EN ISO/IEC 17025认可的测试实验室, 例如im体育APP Materials 技术, ,与营运的中央监测系统一起产生一套可比较的数据结果.

本质量保证程序用于测定igf校准函数, 可变性, 并建立适用于该功能的校准范围.

Note - 可变性 is a test of the measured values of the CEM against the maximum permissible uncertainty given by legislation.



质量报告3展示了CEMS持续的质量保证和质量控制. QAL3不同于QAL2和AST,因为它是在常规基础上进行的.g. 每周, fortnightly or monthly) usually by the operator to demonstrate the CEMS are under control 和 continues to function normally.



Annual 系统s Tests (ast) are conducted annually following any QAL2 和 are generally considered a “mini QAL2”. AST determines whether the calibration functions established during the QAL2 remain valid 和 whether the associated range can be extended following a larger spread of data. 虽然类似于QAL2, AST“平行测量”在至少1天内减少到至少5次. 而QAL2则需要在3天内进行至少15次“平行测量”.


EN 14181培训课程

我们在您的网站上提供量身定制的培训课程, 在线或在我们的im体育APP实验室之一. 本课程将带您从头到尾完成EN 14181活动, 围绕计划测试的最佳实践, 与CEMS制造商沟通, 关于成对测量的复杂性, 河北数据, 校准功能和更多.



im体育APPs Centre of Technical Excellence teams regularly conduct Linearity checks to assess the linear performance of the CEM in accordance with EN 14181.  This is typically conducted at 2 x the Daily ELV (Emission Limit Value) or the Short Term ELV.   We hold ISO 17025 certified calibration 气体 with an uncertainty of < 2%.   The linearity measurements can sometimes be used as surrogate data to establish calibration functions.  线性检验是通过浓度为零来进行的, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%的范围, 最后一个零. 我们还确定T90响应时间和所需的各种其他检查.



im体育APP是No.英国ISO 17025 UKAS-MCERTS认证的空气排放测试供应商之一 & 爱尔兰.  With our network of 12 offices, 和 nearly 50 teams, we have local experts ready to help you. 我们的独特优势包括:

  • 安全 Philosophy – We are proud of our safety record 和 zero-harm culture that is driven by every single member of the team
  • Industry Leading Experts 和 MCERTS certified site teams to ensure the highest quality of 测试
  • 两个专门的车间进行校准, 维修和检查我们大量的取样设备, 仪器及分析仪器.
  • 内部im体育APP实验室分析样品,包括金属,汞,二恶英 & 呋喃,酸性气体等等.
  • e-Mission数字门户 to manage all aspects of your permit compliance including dynamically held emissions data to track 和 trend your results.


发现我们的环境思想领导内容,包括文章, 白皮书, 案例研究和常见问题解答.

由我们的im体育平台app下载专家撰写, we explore a range of laboratory 和 field-based topics related to how we help clients comply with environmental legislation 和 maintain safe operations.


了解最新的EN 14181流量要求

对环境局EN 16911-2 MID的修订, 2024年初上映, brings significant changes to QAL2 和 AST 测试 for Volumetric Flow Rate 和 Velocity under EN 14181. 

阅读这篇由im体育APP的运营经理撰写的文章, 詹姆斯·埃尔德里奇 for the latest recommendations 和 technical guidance to support the compliance of your CEMS.

Bs en 14181流量要求




了解我们的烟囱排放测试服务如何帮助我们的客户防止暴露, 减少排放, improve air quality 和 achieve regulatory compliance for the industrial installations they operate.



For industrial sites encountering an unexpected breakdown of their CEMS emissions measurement instruments, our team will quickly devise a CEMS recovery plan based on your monitoring requirements 和 processes.



空气扩散模型 computes weather patterns 和 local topography to predict the concentration of emissions at ground level caused by an emissions source. 了解更多.



im体育APP provides end-to-end services to support EfW operators with all environmental 和 pollution control measures. 我们的UKAS-MCERTS认证烟囱排放监测,



了解更多关于我们OFGEM批准的生物碳14测量服务, 用于测定废物衍生燃料的可再生能源含量.



im体育APPim体育平台app下载专家为空气质量提供环境影响评估, 噪音, 和振动, 在规划过程中必须仔细考虑哪些因素.


环保合规 & 安全

im体育APP’s industry-leading environmental compliance 和 safety services help our customers to demonstrate the highest possible st和ards of environmental compliance 和 socially responsible performance.



We offer comprehensive 泄漏检测与修复(LDAR) services to reduce VOCs 和 VHAPs (Volatile Hazardous Air Pollutants) emissions 和 ensure compliance with environmental regulations.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.