A fractography analysis can reveal important information about failure mode, including the type of deformation that occurred and patterns of fracture. im体育APP’s team of engaged experts provides fractography and materials test methods for 失效分析 to determine the root cause of material, 产品, 工程上的失败.


Fractography is a partial form of 失效分析 that deals with crack growth and fracture characteristics of metals, 组件, 工程结构. Fractography is categorized into four major modes: fatigue, 分裂, 酒窝破裂, 和脱粘破裂. 



Fractography is often used when corrosion or contamination of material is suspected, or when a complete failure has occurred. Our experts will use a variety of methods to categorize the fracture into one of four modes, and provide feedback on the fracture pattern and service loading.



Fatigue fracture is caused by repetitive loading of a material or component. A fractography analysis can evaluate this by checking for fatigue striations and by determining the crack propagation mode and direction. By determining whether the crack is in Stage I (initiation), 第二阶段(繁殖), or Stage III (total separation), a fractography analysis can determine where the material began to fail, and where the fracture terminated. 



相比之下, 分裂 is a low-energy fracture that occurred due to a rapid overload, 在严格的约束下, 或者处于金属的易碎状态. 对于这种类型的失败, a fractography analysis looks for macroscopic and microscopic features like river patterns, 羽毛的标记, 还有纹样, to confirm transgranular 分裂 as the fracture mode.



hen materials are overloaded in their ductile state or with little constraint, 可能出现酒窝破裂. When evaluating this failure mode, fractography experts will look for tell-tale signs of 酒窝破裂, 如微孔聚结. 



Decohesive rupture is often an intergranular failure method that involves the weakening of atomic bonds, and little plastic deformation. When combined with a full 失效分析, fractography is used to determine if these types of failures are caused by hydrogen or liquid metal embrittlement, 应力腐蚀开裂, 蠕变, 热处理脆化, 或者其他原因. 



We provide detailed fractography reports for a variety of metallic materials. Using state-of-the-art equipment, in conjunction with a full 失效分析, we examine multiple characteristics to provide guidance and support about 材料特性 and best practices for materials engineering.



With a global platform of highly trained failure analysts, we are the ideal partner for fractography projects. Through advanced techniques, we can assist with virtually any type or size of fracture project. We are dedicated to supporting you through every step of the process, from initial analysis to final reporting.

For more information about our fractography services, or to request a quote, im体育APP 今天.

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  • 组件
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Fatigue Failure: How can you Tell? 

Fatigue failure is an extremely important design consideration for a variety of industries. Learn more about the characteristics of fatigue failure.



当组件失效时, it can affect the delivery of goods and the safety of the general public as well as result in costly repairs and downtime. Performing metallurgical 失效分析 to understand why a part failed is critical to preventing future failures.


Managing In-Service Occurrences  

失效分析 is not only a critical aspect of 产品 development and system improvement, it is essential to prevent future issues.


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.