你有信心你的材料能承受紫外线的无情影响吗?  Element在全球范围内的专业紫外线测试服务可以为您提供精确的数据和宝贵的见解,以验证您的产品对阳光的反应. 通过我们强有力的测试,加强您产品的市场竞争地位, for more informed product design, better quality assurance, and to address potential liability concerns.


What is UV Testing?

Ultraviolet (UV) testing, also known as Ultraviolet Exposure, 耐光性或加速风化在受控的实验室环境中再现紫外线辐射的破坏条件. The exposure conditions use a combination of UV, 有时用湿度和水喷雾来测试材料和部件的耐光性和降解性. 

任何暴露在光线下的产品,无论是持续暴露(如在室外)还是间歇性暴露(可能在室内或玻璃后面),都应该进行某种形式的紫外线风化测试. Issues resulting from exposure to UV radiation can include color loss, reduction in gloss levels, cracking, crazing, chalking, blistering, hazing, or complete product failure in relatively short periods. 

UV testing is often accompanied by other test methods post-exposure, such as adhesion, gloss, color, and strength testing.


Key Benefits of UV Testing Services with Element

  • Diverse Material Expertise我们的专家擅长对各种材料和部件进行风化试验, including polymers, textiles, and paint finishes, 确保根据您的具体需求进行全面全面的评估.
  • Integrate with Testing Protocols: Element有助于将UV测试无缝集成到您现有的产品测试协议中, 确保产品开发效率的流线型质量保证流程.
  • Custom Project Capabilities: We excel in unique, custom projects, 针对您的具体挑战和需求提供量身定制的解决方案.
  • Navigate Regulatory Compliance: Element的专业知识有助于确保您的产品符合全球市场准入所需的紫外线测试标准和法规. 
  • Streamline International Solutions: Element navigates diverse regulatory frameworks, 为全球业务提供标准化的测试流程和一致的报告.


Strategic Insights for Planning, Quality Assurance and Liability

UV tests deliver reliable testing outcomes critical for production planning, specifications, and well-informed decision-making. Our UV testing services offer a documented basis for comparison, providing detailed insights into your materials and products. Make strategic decisions with confidence, reduce potential product liability claims, 并确保您的生产过程坚持最高的质量标准. 


Gain a Competitive Advantage 

Our commitment goes beyond mere adherence. Element通过根据您独特的im体育平台app下载需求定制测试过程,确保您的产品经常超越im体育平台app下载基准. This approach allows you to benchmark against established norms, positioning your products competitively in the market. Combining this with valuable data generated from UV testing, 你可以推销你的产品在性能和外观方面都很优秀. 

Daisie Lane, Application Sales Engineer, Element Wednesbury

Daisie Lane

Element's Application Sales Engineer 

Read more about Daisie

“紫外线测试是获得有关产品性能的宝贵数据的极好方法, without having to wait years. 能够了解产品的潜在退化对产品设计和质量保证是有益的.”

Daisie Lane

Application Sales Engineer

Our UV Testing Capabilities

Element提供全面的紫外线暴露和紫外线测试服务,以评估材料的性能,防止有害的紫外线影响, including but not limited to:

  • Test with programmable temperature, humidity, and irradiance, including Xenon Arc,太阳模拟,荧光QUV,以及像佛罗里达和亚利桑那这样的户外暴露
  • UV exposure testing in compliance with international standards, including ASTM, ISO, MIL-STD,  and SAE
  • Solar spectrum calibration, covering ultraviolet, visible, and infrared band spectrums, enhances precision
  • 先进的实验室,如Atlas Ci3000, Ci4000和Ci5000, SUGA SX75和Q-Lab QUV
  • Various filters available such as Quartz, Borosilicate S, Soda Lime, CIRA, and Xenochrome, to replicate natural daylight as well as exposure through glass/ windows
  • 测试前和测试后的评估在不同的时间间隔,如光泽测量(60֯, 85֯, 20֯) LAB Colour measurements, and AATCC Greyscale readings
  • Mechanical testing such as impact strength and elongation at break
  • Paint finish testing such as adhesion and high-pressure wash
  • 解释测试结果和技术数据,并帮助理解其对产品质量和耐用性的影响 


Why Choose Element?

Element offers specialized UV tests for a variety of materials, 根据您的具体要求,为您的产品提供重要的见解. With labs available in both the United States and Europe, 我们为拥有全球业务的企业提供统一的解决方案,消除您在与单独的测试提供商合作时可能面临的挑战.

Our commitment to adhering to stringent UV testing standards, such as ASTM G154, ASTM G155, ISO 4892-2&3, and MIL-STD-810, guarantees that your products meet industry benchmarks, helping you achieve a competitive advantage over your competitors. 

我们的专家提供独特的定制项目,模拟长期全光谱紫外线. 光化效应和具有创新和适应性的方法来测试方法. 

With a proven track record, efficient resource utilization, timely testing turnaround, and post-testing support, Element is a reliable partner for your ultraviolet exposure UV testing and accelerated weathering testing requirements.

To learn more about Element’s credentials, please visit our About Us page. 了解更多im体育APP的能力以及Element如何帮助您满足紫外线老化和加速老化的要求, connect with an expert today.

我们的专家根据国际组织制定的主要标准进行紫外线暴露测试, including:

American Society for Testing & Materials - ASTM D1149, ASTM D1171, ASTM D518 , ASTM D573, ASTM D750, ASTM D865, ASTM D4329, ASTM D4587, ASTM D4674, ASTM D5208, ASTM D2565, ASTM D4355, ASTM D4459, ASTM D5071, ASTM D6551, ASTM D6695, ASTM D7869, ASTM G147, ASTM G151, ASTM G152, ASTM G153, ASTM G154, ASTM G155, ASTM G23

International Standards Organization - ISO 188, ISO 1431, ISO 4892-2, ISO 4892-3, DIN 75220

Military Standards - SAE J1885, SAE J2020, SAE J2412, SAE J2527, SAE J1976 

Other Automotive OEM’s - SAE J1885, SAE J2020, SAE J2412, SAE J2527, SAE J1976, Nissan NES M0135, General Motors GM9125P, Volkswagen PV1303, PV3920 and PV3930, Ford FLTM BO 116-01 and more.

How do you Perform a UV Test?

During UV testing, 您的样品将暴露在受控的紫外线辐射下(根据确定的规格), 通常采用模拟实际使用条件下的加速试验箱. 然后,实验室技术人员将观察您的材料,并得出有关视觉和结构变化的实际结论.

How does the Test Correlate to the Real-World Survivability of our Product?

因为在现实世界中有各种各样的环境因素, such as geographical location or weather, 不可能直接和准确地将实验室紫外线测试与现实世界老化的特定时间框架联系起来. However, 基准测试建议适当的暴露时间,以确保对产品性能的信心.

Weathering Testing: Explaining DIN 75 220

DIN 75 220是许多汽车制造商的测试要求,为帮助评估和提高产品质量和耐用性提供了关键的见解. READ MORE

ASTM G154 and G155 Explained

专家Terry Candlish讨论了用于评估阳光和水分暴露的ASTM G154和G155测试.


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