

机械测试实验室破坏东西. 日复一日, 疲劳试验机的运行为矫形设备设计者提供了他们成功所需的答案. 

虽然 机械测试 is only a small component in the product development life cycle a launch of an orthopaedic device into the market, 这是一个关键的问题. 无论设备设计公司是一个人的初创公司还是im体育平台app下载中价值数百万美元的巨头, the outcome of the device testing can make or break (no pun intended) the product’s chances for getting to market. 

Orthopaedic device manufacturers should understand how to get the most out of device testing plus some design tricks for the best value. Understanding the intricacies and the best practices of testing will determine an OEM’s success in the 机械测试 of its product. 制造商可能需要数年的反复试验才能获得这方面的知识, 因此,在测试矫形设备时,考虑这些“该做”和“不该做”是很重要的, 以及寻找长期测试合作伙伴或与公司内部实验室合作. 



在骨科器械im体育平台app下载,质量是第一位的. FDA is scrutinizing quality standards at unprecedented levels for every step of the device development process—and 机械测试 is no exception. 一天结束的时候, FDA要求OEM对其供应商质量实践中的缺陷负责. 

保护投资, make sure that the laboratory has passed the rigorous standards set forth by an independent accreditation body, such as the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) or the National 航空航天 and 国防 Contractors Accreditation Program (NADCAP). 认证过程非常艰难. An A2LA laboratory is audited on scheduled intervals to ensure that its quality assurance and quality control standards are in place to offer high-quality, 测试的独立结果. 除了, 考虑测试实验室是否符合ISO 17205标准, 《im体育官方app下载》.” Compliance with a calibration standard is a positive sign and ensures the validity of the designer’s results. 


设备制造公司可以选择成为im体育平台app下载的领导者或追随者. 加入美国材料和测试协会(ASTM)国际并参加F04.25个小组委员会会议见证并参与规范开发和更新工作. The semi­annual ASTM meetings provide a superb opportunity to network within the industry and to answer any questions on medical device testing specifications and how they apply to a firm’s specific devices. 最重要的是, 然而, getting involved with ASTM provides the opportunity to push for the necessary evolution of test specifications that affect an OEM’s products.  


有限元分析(FEA) 是一种分析给定设计上的应力点的数学技术吗. Many laboratories recommend that medical device manufacturers perform FEA evaluations on their devices before testing or making prototypes. 尽管FEA有缺点——作者的经验表明准确率为65%——但总比没有好. Experimenting with virtual designs is always more cost-effective than prototyping hundreds of assemblies that cost thousands of dollars. 应该在测试之前对失败进行预期和定义,以便可以预测结果. 所有的东西都会在某个时刻崩溃——然而,设备应该瞄准成熟故障. 

除ASM中定义的失效方法外,卷. XI, the manufacturer and possibly the lab should research failures modes and mechanisms based on a variety of sources. 来源可以包括内部数据,如投诉和失败,也可以是外部数据,如投诉和失败.g.、医疗器械报告、召回、材料问题和客户输入. 


一家医疗设备制造商正在测试其设备的中型版本, 提交测试结果及其510(k)文书工作, only to have FDA require additional testing because the most extreme circumstances were not accounted for. 这种错误经常发生,而这种错误的代价可能是错过产品发布, 甚至是重新设计. Test to a worst-case condition within the sizes of a device to qualify the grandfather of the entire design scale. 


ASTM测试规范只是针对特定测试的规范, 试图达到一个特定的结果. 但是,当一个产品如此具有创新性,以至于不适合预先包装的测试计划时,会发生什么呢? 测试 to a specification that is not appropriate for a product or does not provide relevant and usable data for FDA is a waste of time and money. 

OEMs might find it necessary to deviate from a particular test protocol or specification to obtain the desired information. 造成这种偏差的原因有很多,包括速度、负载、测试安装等. 

在寻找测试合作伙伴时, look for one that has experience developing customized protocols and can develop customized machinery or fixturing to support the endeavor. 这种灵活性对初创设备公司尤为重要. 这是一个需要记住的关键点, 然而, is that the final report from the laboratory will note the deviations from test specifications or customizations, 所以准备好向FDA提交工程理由. 


设备总是会出现故障,在最好的情况下,设备设计师会提前做好准备. 例如,汽车变速器是为特定的使用周期而设计的.g.(10万英里或10年). 医疗器械的设计也应该有一个明确的寿命终止日期. A properly matched mechanical impedance system will theoretically see all components break at once when a device has reached its intended end of life. 


当一个设计失败,没有达到预期的结果, 原因可能是以下一种或多种: 

  • Design shortcomings (the product does not perform to expectations due to a structural weakness below minimum performance values).
  • 材料缺陷(材料错误、热处理不良、污染等).).
  • 制造缺陷(表面光洁度差,尺寸误差等).).
  • 装配技术差(剥离螺钉、插入工具等).).
  • A lab that is experienced in failure evaluation uses proper metallographic techniques to determine the root cause of the failure.

这听起来很简单,但对于许多原始设备制造商来说,准确定义他们想要实现的目标是一个挑战. 毕竟, 如果你不知道问题是什么,你怎么能回答问题或解决问题呢? 制造商应该问自己:“我们想通过测试达到什么目的?,然后与实验室分享这些信息. 在向测试实验室解释情况之前,别忘了签一份保密协议. 

还要记住监管机构(FDA, SFDA, ANVISA等).)都有一个共同的目标,即保护其公民免受不合格医疗设备的侵害. 随着新设备的开发和改进, the burden of proof is on the device owner to demonstrate equivalency (at a minimum) with a similar device that has already been approved. 创新的设计和材料不断提高机械性能的要求. 

阅读ASTM E177了解测试精度和偏差. 

ASTM E177 is the specification for “Standard Practice for Use of the 条款 Precision and Bias in ASTM Test Methods.在本文中,r是指可重复性条件. ASTM defines repeatability conditions as “conditions where independent test results are obtained with the same method on identical test items in the same laboratory by the same operator using the same equipment within short intervals of time.“也可以认为测试结果是测量结果,实验室是一个设施. Reproducibility (R) is defined by ASTM as “conditions where test results are obtained with the same method on identical test items in different laboratories with different operators using different equipment.” 

期望可重复性和再现性(r)&R)普通测试. 医疗设备设计人员需要了解这些术语如何影响设备,以确保有效的结果. 



测试实验室是测试专家,而不是产品专家. 不要盲目地依赖它来知道如何测试和测试什么. 利用实验室提出建议和建议, but the designer should read the specifications and applicable guidance documents to understand what needs to be tested and—more importantly—why it needs testing. 

每个人都可以使用ASTM国际测试标准. This is one of the few cases in the medical device product development cycle where the playing field is level, 无论是蓝筹公司还是初创公司. 所有的设备都遵循同样的标准. 


进行静态性能测试后再进行疲劳测试. 静态测试提供了对疲劳失效的深入了解. 设计师可能会在静态测试后意识到, 哪一种比动态测试成本低得多, 在进行进一步测试之前,产品需要什么. 这一步骤可以为制造商节省大量的金钱和宝贵的时间. 


托马斯·爱迪生谈到他的大量灯泡原型时说:“我没有失败. 我刚发现了一万种行不通的方法.“不是每一次考验都能通过,但请记住,知识是从每一次失败中获得的。. 当开发医疗设备时,就像在许多im体育平台app下载一样,有时这是一个淘汰的过程. 


如果这是设计师第一次参加FDA的竞技比赛, consider hiring a consultant with medical device approval experience—a trait that is especially vital with the ever-changing requirements of FDA. 除了 to the expertise and experience a consultant can offer in developing 510(k) submissions and with navigating the process from start to finish, 监管顾问已经与FDA建立了沟通. 他们的工作是知道什么能被批准,什么不能, 以及监管机构对设备性能的要求. 


测试需要时间、精力和资金. 对要完成的任务有一个清晰的想法,不要做得太多, 无论是具体的测试, 加载, 或运行. 很可能, FDA将在初步提交后要求进行更多的测试, 所以,除非有正当理由,否则不要做超出要求的事情. 否则, 它只是延长了这个过程, 而且测试很可能不得不重新进行. 

如果管理层对测试很好奇, “看看会发生什么,“考虑为AD hoc投资一个疲劳框架, 内部测试. 内部工程师可以测试原型, 然后将官方的ASTM测试外包给认可的实验室. 


在骨科植入物im体育平台app下载, 机械测试仅仅几周的延迟就会导致严重的审批延迟. 这种延迟可能会拖慢上市时间,这可能意味着公司损失数百万美元的收入. 寻找能够同时运行动态测试并快速交付最终报告的实验室. 


尽管机械测试只是将医疗设备推向市场的一部分, 这是一个重要的问题. 正如在医疗设备开发过程的其他方面一样,要以终为始. 

如果设计师, 工程师, and regulatory employees understand the guidelines for testing and the objectives of that testing project, 他们可以与测试实验室一起制定完成这些目标的清晰路线图. 如果在测试前做了一些家庭作业, 它可以提供更大的机会来获取成功产品所需的数据. 前期工作可以为骨科公司节省宝贵的时间和资金.

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