
Prepare your products for successful wireless device testing

随着无线设备im体育平台app下载的发展,FCC通过实施电信认证机构(TCB)计划等新计划保持同步. 这个项目的目标, 成立于2000年6月, is to keep up with the rapid success and growth of wireless applications, 因此, it is now under the authority of the FCC to certify wireless products for TCB.  2014年12月, FCC报告和命令(FCC 14-208)使tcb成为FCC认证的唯一途径.

With the growing selection of radio applications such as RFID, 无线网络, 和蓝牙, it is 有时 challenging to obtain regulatory approvals for your products. 

This article will discuss frequent 无线测试 scenarios we encounter, address potential problems, and what it means for your products and regulatory approvals.


Scenario 1: Radio that's ubiquitous, yet unique

When it comes to product design, every radio application is unique. 这意味着作为产品工程师,您的测试策略几乎不可能是一刀切的. 在这个场景中, 一位工程师的新产品设计包括一个无线电,该无线电之前已被认证为模块, but is now integrated into the host device. 在这一点上,很容易假设,因为无线电模块已经经过测试和认证, it won’t require much in the way of additional testing in your products.

However, this is not typically the case, says im体育APP’s Engaged Expert in 无线测试Greg Kiemel. “In the case of FCC certification, the Grant of Equipment authorization frequently places limits on the use of the module,Kiemel说. “禁止与其他无线电设备共用和/或同时传输,可能需要额外的测试和设备授权,以允许为特定实施使用该模块.” 欧盟发布的指南建议,模块化无线电和主机设备的新组合需要重新评估EMC合规性. 无线电模块的每个独特实施的监管要求需要由专家进行评估. 无线电模块的分销商和销售代表并不总是产品合规性的可靠资源.  在某些情况下, radio modules may have been tested but not certified, so due diligence in assuring certification is an absolute requirement. Unless the FCC ID number is visible on the module, certification is not complete.

当涉及到为您的产品获得适当的认证和批准时,我们知道精度和确定性是您测试的重中之重.  这就是为什么确保您先前认证的无线电模块获得可能需要的任何额外测试和认证非常重要.


Scenario 2: The Modern-Day Multi-Radio 产品

im体育APP进行的频繁无线测试场景涉及单个产品中的多个无线电设备.  A product containing more than one radio device will require additional testing.  我们知道,在您的产品鉴定和认证效率是至关重要的,这就是为什么提前计划确定正确的测试和认证方案是至关重要的.   

When separately approved modules are combined into one product, new testing and new certifications are often necessary.

Radios that already have an FCC ID number

这是一个让您的测试代理参与认证过程的好机会. im体育APP frequently assists customers who need to look up a radio’s FCC ID number. 我们的专职专家可以帮助您审查和了解电台的拨款说明对您的项目的预期成本和时间表意味着什么.  

FCC ID Grant Notes can address these questions

  • 使用条件
  • How will the product be used?
  • How close will the radio be to the user’s head or torso?
  • Does the current ID number cover that usage?
  • What kind of additional testing will be needed?

虽然我们的许多客户已经进行了详尽的搜索,以找到合适的收音机与他们的产品需要的功能集, 有时, 产品工程师会发现,已经进行的测试和认证是不够的,因为它在产品中使用.  当这种情况发生时,必须在继续使用产品和搜索新模块之间做出决定. 

Even in the case that the Grant notes show additional testing needed, 在产品开发的这个阶段,寻找不同的无线电模块通常效率不高. 通过与im体育APP的专家紧密合作,您可以确保所选择的测试策略将提供最大的价值.


If your product is an approved module that requires modification to the grant, there is a process to follow:

  1. 更改身份证 followed by a Class II Permissive Change 更改身份证 是FCC授权过程,其中现有授权从无线电制造商(原始授权持有人)复制到新授权持有人(系统制造商)的新FCC ID。.
  2. Download public exhibits from the manufacturer’s application. 可以下载FCC网站上所有公共领域的证据以支持新申请. To complete the new application for certification, 有必要联系原始模块制造商(授权持有人)以获取任何机密展品,如原理图, 频率框图, 以及直接提供给TCB的操作描述(根据保密协议).
  3. 代理授权 包括获得模块制造商(授权持有人)签署的文件,以便对申请进行II类许可更改.
  4. 产品测试 to address any items required by the changes to the module.
  5. 认证 using a Class II Permissive Change through a TCB like im体育APP. 


Tips for RF Wireless Device 测试 

Your test lab can assist you in many facets of your testing strategy, 但是你现在可以采取一些步骤来确保你的业务在无线无线电测试中得到最好的结果.

Choose the correct radio for your application

The ‘next big thing’ is not necessarily always the best choice for your application. A lower-cost solution may be out there that is more suitable for your product. Often, the lower per unit cost will also result in lower testing costs too. 尽早进行研究,了解不同技术之间的权衡,在进行测试时确实会有所收获. Perhaps your device requires interoperability with other devices on the market (e.g. Bluetooth or Wi-Fi); in that case, maybe you do need the high-tech solution. If not, you may have a perfectly suitable solution with a much simpler radio design.

Start shopping for approved modules

就开发成本而言,这通常是为您的产品添加无线功能的最便宜的途径. 当您有时间进行机械设计时,模块化解决方案效果最佳,因此您可以计划将容纳收音机的外壳, and to define the type of antenna you’ll be required to use.  


This will help you ensure your product is compliant. That doesn’t mean you’ll require redundant full system testing; rather, 早期测试组件和原型可以作为简单的抽查,这将帮助您在产品设计过程中更早地进行任何修改. Don’t believe the misconception that you can only test final products. Some tests are worth doing very early on, some will be better to wait. Your testing lab can help you understand the ins and outs of each.

Create a target list of countries you want to sell into

By identifying these target markets early in the design process, you can plan your testing strategy to meet the requirements of each country
Wireless testing doesn’t have to be confusing. 通过与im体育APP这样的咨询测试机构合作,并在产品设计的早期遵循以下一些步骤, you will find all the tools you need to launch your products successfully. 

For more information on wireless (radio) device testing, please im体育APP.


Engage with an Expert at im体育APP today for more information about 无线测试.

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