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斯蒂芬•泰特 has over 19 years' experience in testing and certification of telecoms products

在获得ATEX认证的复杂世界中, it can be easy to get stuck in the intricacies of such projects and overlook the fundamentals. Save yourself time and money by answering two simple questions - what can be certified to ATEX & IECEx,以及适用于特定产品的标准?

在设计和制造产品时, it is critical that you familiarize yourself with the relevant standards as this will help avoid any failures when it comes to testing later in the process. 

在欧盟, all equipment with a potential ignition source (electrical or mechanical) including protective systems, must meet ATEX requirements for the health and safety of workers employed in hazardous atmosphere installations. Such environments include work areas that contain flammable 气体es, 雾或蒸气, 或可燃粉尘.

Manufacturers that apply the Ex marking can sell their products anywhere within the EU without any further requirements concerning the risks covered being applied.

im体育APP的 ATEX和IECEx测试和认证专家 provide you with advice on which products need to be certified under ATEX, 或IEC, 并符合其他相关标准. We can help you create a single test certification program that accommodates any additional testing. We can help you create a single test certification program that accommodates any additional testing.


ATEX认证 is a product regulation which ensures the safety of equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in the 欧洲an Union. Certifying your products to ATEX helps improve the safety and protect the health of workers potentially at risk from explosive environments such as those found in the petrochemical industries, 地下采矿或粮食生产.


IECEx certification is a worldwide scheme based on compliance with IEC standards that facilities international trade while ATEX is a mandatory scheme based upon compliance with specified essential requirements within the EU. 

EN 60079是什么?它与ATEX认证有什么关系? 

The EN 60079 series of standards were put in place to test electrical equipment and assemblies that pose an ignition risk going into potential explosive atmospheres, with specific standards relating to specific protection concepts. 点击这里im体育官方app下载


The protection concepts are defined methods and approaches that manufacturers apply as part of their special precautions to reduce the likelihood of ignition being present to an acceptable level. ATEX Zones are the dangerous areas used for classification between environments with different levels of danger.

The protection concepts and ATEX Zones that your products should be tested to are determined by yourself or driven by the market. 


ATEX certification requirements vary depending on the category of equipment and the zones of the equipment’s intended use.

我们对材料进行ATEX测试, such as 气动钻机 or turbine assemblies that are going into an ATEX Zone and can potentially generate and store a static charge. These tests give you confidence in the materials used and the pace of mind. However, as they pose no actual ignition risk in themselves, the products cannot be ATEX certified. 例如, 用塑料桶, 虽然可能会有一些静电, the bucket in itself cannot cause a spark or discharge and therefore would not be a risk. 

How do I certify non-electrical equipment for use in explosive atmospheres?

All non-electrical equipment that poses an ignition risk needs to be covered by ATEX指令 and will refer to standards EN 80079-36:2016 and EN 80079-37:2016. Typical non‐electrical equipment which may present a potential danger include motors, 齿轮单位, 气动钻机, 涡轮组件阀门, 和辊.  

We highly recommended that you design non-electrical products in line with these standards to avoid serious difficulties trying to amend and alter a product after prototypes have been finalized.  点击这里im体育官方app下载.


当认证一个你没有设计控制的产品时, it is essential to find out whether the product or material that it’s made of has been altered in the design process. 如果是这样的话, manufacturers must confirm that any alterations made fall within the limitations of the standards that a product had initially been certified to. Even then, you may still require to perform an amount of additional testing. 正因为如此, certifying a product bought off the shelf from another company is extremely difficult and verges on impossible if you do not have a close working relationship with them.

If in doubt and you’d like to discuss your ATEX and IECEx requirements in more details, 立即im体育APP. Our 从事专家 are ready to guide you through our capabilities and highlight if there may be any barriers to certifying your ATEX product.

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im体育APP offers IECEx services including the capability to test and certify equipment, which enables it to be sold in any IECEx participating countries.

ATEX认证 & 测试


im体育APP offers ATEX认证 and breadth of technical expertise as a 欧洲an Notified Body (NB) for ATEX指令 2014/34/EU.



im体育APP offers IECEx services including the capability to test and certify equipment, which enables it to be sold in any IECEx participating countries.



im体育APP helps you understand 非电气设备的ATEX和IECEx认证, ATEX categories and the compliance route to construct a certification test program.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.