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史蒂夫·海斯 has over 30 years of experience in the product approvals industry and serves on numerous national and international standards committees.

WPT 无线电力传输 有一天会像无线通信一样普及吗. Understanding the regulatory framework for WPT devices to help product designers and quality assurance managers ensure regulatory compliance is critical.

WPT(无线电力传输)有一系列令人兴奋的用例, from electric vehicles to hearing aids to industrial applications—our 白皮书 highlights in further detail where this innovative technology may lead us in the future. 然而, 去市场, manufacturers of WPT devices must overcome challenging hurdles around the world like contradictory categorization systems for radio frequency and electromagnetic compatibility regulations.

How can we help you with navigating regulatory requirements for 无线电力传输(WPT)?

我们的im体育平台app下载专家 史蒂夫·海斯 能帮助确保你的产品吗, 服务, 解决方案满足所有相关要求, internationally recognized connectivity and interoperability standards by answering some of the most frequently asked questions in our latest 网络研讨会




不,EN 303 417没有在RED下进行协调. The nearest standard that could be used and is harmonized is EN 300 330.


What shall/can you do for a portable WPT operating below 4MHz regarding RF exposure when there are no 标准化 关于基本限制的测量方法?

在4MHz以下,建模/仿真是一种可接受的技术. 此外,斯皮格还有一个新的探测器,可能也会被证明是有用的. 


如果购买的模块符合第15部分, 然后集成到产品中是否需要重新认证?

观看我们丰富的视频 FCC(和RED)模块集成. 


你如何看待监管的困难, 用于WPC/紧耦合电感, 与通过空气/松耦合技术供电相比?

关闭 coupled WPT is an easier path from a regulatory perspective today if the system is defined as radio communication. 然而, if the system uses an alternate for communication such that  the WPT is considered an ISM device, 这条路比较容易走.



不管WPT是如何分类的(ISM还是无线电), 两者都需要在杂散域进行带外发射测试. 这将达到6 GHz或更高. 


What would be the test requirement/Standard to use for CW WPT without any coms and outside the ISM band? 

如果ISM设备使用非ISM频率, the product would be required to meet the normal spurious emission limit for non-radio products (this would be EN 55011 Group1, A类或B类). 



There are products on the US market that can achieve distances of circa 10m for ISM based WPT.


A Qi charger doing exchange of charging information such as power transfer or foreign object detection, 这被认为是数据传输,然后是一个“无线电”设备吗?

是的, that is communication and therefore subject to the RED/RER for 欧洲. 


WPT在美国的场强上限是多少.S. 无意感应(非辐射)?

请参阅下面的链接,从信息 美国联邦通信委员会 关于这个话题.


在FCC KDB 680106, If a WPT device works at ISM band and only transmits load modulation for power management and control, 没有其他信息的沟通, 可以使用第18部分? 

是的, in the example that is mentioned Part 18 is acceptable if load modulation is the only communication between source and load.


恐怕WPT并没有得到世界范围的认可. The nearest WPT technology that would achieve global compliance is Qi etc. 


目标检测是一种负载调制. This is allowed in the US under Part 18 (only) if the modulation is only used for battery status, 快速关闭系统和目标检测. In 欧洲, this is considered as communication and subject to the RED/RER.

Does a wireless phone charger product which operates in the band of about 110kHz to 200kHz require 认证 to EN62688-1 or any other safety standard?

A safety assessment will be required irrespective of the end application/use case. 评估标准将取决于申请,但是 EN 62368-1 (and-3) will be one of the most common for multimedia type products.

How can I find out whether a WPT system complying with ETSI EN 303 417 can be used in the EU as the standard is not mentioned in ERC Recommendation 70-03 or e.g.德国国家频率计划?

Where there is no harmonized standard a Notified Body (such as im体育APP) can be consulted to help. A Type Examination is required under these circumstances which is provided by the Notified Body.

如果我们有一个868mhz频段的产品用于通信, 我们可以双频段设备包括WPT传输吗?

It is unlikely that the 868 MHz band could be used for WPT since it is a communications band. If the power from the WPT is low enough, there may be a possibility. 

We are using WPT in our proposed medical device and need help to get it certified. 看来阅读是一个标准, leads to another standard which leads to a third standard and a rabbit hole develops. Is there a guide to reach conclusive requirements for our application?

There is a single source of truth that ensures 'old' requirements are not left in product standards. 在ISM WPT的情况下,该标准是CISPR 11. 

Do other 服务/applications accept interference from ISM bands?

Where communications products use ISM bands, they must accept interference in the ISM band. 这是因为ISM是该带的主用户.


To find out how we can help you with your WPT wireless power transfer requirements, 今天就im体育APP的专家.

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im体育APP offers a comprehensive range of advisory 服务 that help guide our customers through the complex landscape of testing, 检查, 认证, and regulatory compliance as they develop new materials and products.



Find out how im体育APP helps device manufacturers to navigate the complex path to technical and commercial compliance within the emerging global IoT sector.



Find out how im体育APP supports the testing and 认证 of consumer electronics products to the global market.



Find out how im体育APP can help you with your stray RF energy challenges created by your near-field and far-field WPT applications.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.