
Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis

Multiaxial 乏力 analysis 

多轴疲劳分析在受控的实验室环境中复制了真实服务环境的载荷和应力条件,以开发更安全的, 更可靠的, and dependable materials and 组件. 

这些 mechanical tests play a critical role in evaluating complex design structures, 组件, and materials that will, during their service lifetime, be subjected to complex multiaxial loads in a broad range of industries from 航空航天, 农业, and transportation to power generation and civil engineering.

在静态和动态运行载荷下,对运行过程中发生的复杂应力进行了研究,以评估其影响 乏力 and to determine accurate in-service life predictions. 该测试对于有效模拟混合模式加载环境以及测量先进材料和部件的X轴和Y轴平面内应力至关重要.


的 Rolls-Royce multiaxial testing heritage

Through the Rolls-Royce and im体育APP partnership, the team of engineers is now providing high-quality multiaxial testing capabilities, using state-of-the-art technology supported by unique in-depth expertise, to manufacturers across multiple industries.

这个团队 Rolls-Royce test facilities in Dahlewitz, 德国, 多年来一直使用多轴测试作为关键航空航天部件设计和鉴定过程的关键部分. 该测试通常用于支持高压涡轮盘的高规格提升程序,以及使用热多轴钻机的a组关键部件的相关功能. 主要目的是测试涡轮盘和涡轮叶片之间杉树连接的子元件. 

杉树连接中的负载对叶片和磁盘的寿命都有直接影响. 当设计准确时,涡轮机的这些旋转部件可以提高性能;

  • Lower operating costs
  • Longer operating life
  • Reduction of aircraft emissions
  • Reduced environmental impact

的 disk is the engine component at greatest risk of cracking, 这种严格的安全测试是设计和认证过程的关键部分.

Using a multiaxis rig, 从带有附加扭矩的矩形矢量施加力到测试件上,以创建复杂的负载模式. 的 load patterns are then analyzed with optical strain measurement methods. 然后用它来复制作用于杉树连接的微动疲劳机制.


Redefining the safety limits and enabling a better design

的 multiaxial test rigs are often used to analyze in-service issues, 帮助您更好地理解与服务中问题相关的风险, therefore the ability to go on to redefine the safety limits. 结果, it enables a better design, which can be analyzed and approved through its effectiveness on the test rig.

能源, 航空航天, and transportation customers can use the rigs for a wide variety of applications, 包括用各种法向力测定摩擦断裂力和各种环境条件下的试验. 

的 testing is suitable for a wide variety of materials, including metals such as high-tensile strength steels, metal alloys such as aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, and titanium alloys, 聚合物, 陶瓷, and elastomers composites, 纺织品, 混凝土, and advanced construction materials.


汽车im体育平台app下载经常使用多轴测试来验证金属板或复合材料部件的新材料模型,以满足苛刻的燃油经济性目标和更高的安全性要求. 建筑im体育平台app下载用它来研究先进的材料,以允许更复杂的设计和满足具有挑战性的环境需求. 的 power generation industry uses multiaxial testing to test large-scale 风力涡轮机 石油和天然气im体育平台app下载使用它来测试管道组件,以便在难以到达的区域进行勘探.


State-of-the-art multiaxial analysis equipment simulating real-world conditions

Rolls-Royce Dahlewitz site has heavily invested in state-of-the-art multiaxial testing equipment, including MTS Planar Biaxial Servohydraulic systems. 的 Planar biaxial mechanical equipment simulates real-world conditions, 在多个方向上对试样施加压力,同时允许测试工程师对过程施加高水平的控制,以产生准确的, repeatable results.

的 MTS technology allows for the testing to be tailored as required. 这可能, 例如, be focusing on fracture mechanics and 乏力 crack growth, 研究裂纹在各种荷载条件下的扩展速度和达到临界尺寸的速度. 或者它可以用于运行损伤容限测试,以测量材料中大孔的裂纹扩展, then repair the damage to see how the repair holds up, or test how many times the same hole can be repaired.

To enable the testing to take place under a wide variety of in-service conditions, 环境模拟系统补充平面双轴设备应用极端温度, 真空, and humidity to specimens under test.

For non-ambient testing, 平面双轴框架可以配备环境室,在低温下使用液氮(或其他液化气体,如果需要)进行测试。, inert atmospheres, 真空吸尘器, 而真空和高温均采用电炉或真空室内感应加热. 高温测试也可以在空气中完成,使用电炉或感应加热,环境炉的可用温度范围从室温到800°C.


的 Rolls-Royce and im体育APP advantage

罗尔斯·罗伊斯的工程师确保测试程序的每一步在执行之前都经过仔细计划, enabling the manufacturer to be ready for any potential issues. When preparing to test, the team make sure all steps have been taken to ensure a smooth process, 考虑到诸如所需载荷轴的精确定义及其相互之间的对齐要求等问题, as well as available space for the test article, 以及任何潜在的环境要求,如真空和温度均匀性/梯度和主要夹具接口. 

MTS技术确保了优异的对准,防止意外的弯曲应力,从而使试件处于更高的屈曲或早期失效风险, minimizing potential specimen damage.

As part of the testing process, 罗尔斯·罗伊斯公司的专家将验证故障机制,并就如何确定解决方案提出建议. 然后,团队可以与组件或材料制造商密切合作,开始对改进的设计进行验证测试,以提供量身定制的解决方案,防止未来在使用中出现故障.

For more information on multiaxial testing, please contact im体育APP 今天.


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