
Engineering Futures 播客 - Episode #2 Data-Driven 模拟 in Engineering

“Things that you can kind of draw from this extra capability are all sorts of benefits really 就像 more sustainability, 攒钱, 和 cutting down on the amount of material you might need to use. ”




Find out how we are challenging the status quo by weaving 数据科学 into traditional 有限元分析(FEA) 和 计算流体动力学(CFD). This episode elaborates on various key dimensions, 比如敏感性分析, 不确定性的资格, 优化, 逆分析.


The role of technology cannot be overstated when it comes to shaping the future of engineering. We discuss the transformative influence of high-power computing 和 how accessible open-source tools 就像 Python are redefining contemporary 模拟 methods.

Insights from Inside 数字工程

This episode features an enlightening case study on Dakota, an open-source tool. This case study revolves around a 2D foil 模拟 that demonstrates how to optimize designs 和 quantify uncertainties, serving as a practical example of our pioneering approach.

Why Should You Care About Data-Driven 模拟 in Engineering?

The benefits of data-driven 模拟 are not limited to theoretical discussions; they manifest in real-world applications:

  • 设计效率:Underst和ing sensitivity aspects helps in streamlining design processes.
  • 客户端数据完整性: Uncertainty quantification ensures that client data is accurate 和 reliable.
  • 产品质量: Optimization techniques contribute to elevating the quality of end products.


As we look ahead, the prospects are limitless:
  • 实现了从2D到3D模拟的飞跃.
  • Growing utilization of surrogate models for faster 和 more efficient 模拟s.
  • A forward-looking agenda to implement data-driven techniques in forthcoming client projects.

Wrapping Up: A Look at the Transformational Impact of Data-Driven 模拟

总之, this episode of Engineering Futures serves as your comprehensive guide to the burgeoning field of data-driven 模拟 in engineering. We don't just scratch the surface; we delve into its role, importance, 和 its promising future. From theoretical principles to practical examples, this episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the next big thing in engineering.

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在工程未来播客系列中, you'll have the opportunity to meet the experts leading the charge at 数字工程, 一个擅长工程的全球团队, 应用数学, 以及技术软件.



路加小 is a dynamic Engineer at 数字工程 specializing in mechanical 和 materials engineering. Luke joined our team in February 2023 和 holds a Master's in Materials Science 和 Engineering from the University of Portsmouth. Luke has a broad range of skills tackling complex projects in electro-chemistry 和 structural mechanics. He is currently combining his knowledge of mechanics 和 materials to become a specialist in delivering 有限元分析(FEA) projects in a range of industries.



埃德·霍利斯 is a Project Engineer who has been with 数字工程 since November 2001. Ed graduated with a 1st Class Honors in Mechanical Engineering 和 has a particular interest in 计算流体动力学(CFD) projects. His specialized skills make him an invaluable asset for addressing CFD challenges, thereby elevating the company's engineering capabilities.



费格斯莫兰 is a multifaceted Engineer at 数字工程 who joined our team in March 2022. Fergus holds a Master's in engineering from the University of Nottingham. He excels in using numerical 模拟 to solve complex client problems 和 has a keen interest in renewable technologies 和 data-driven 模拟. Fergus seamlessly combines his academic background with practical skills to drive innovation in the engineering field.



在我们的 工程期货系列, this engineering podcast goes beyond the challenges of hydrogen use. 我们从 数字工程 to shed light on ground-breaking projects 和 demonstrate the value of digital engineering in providing insight, underst和ing 和 answers to complex engineering 和 technology challenges. 

Topics range from data-driven 模拟 research 和 development to applications of advanced 模拟 techniques, 就像 计算流体动力学(CFD)在食品im体育平台app下载. Tune in to underst和 how we answer complex engineering questions across a diverse range of industries 和 technical disciplines.  


利用建模, 模拟, 数据科学, 和 other digital solutions to help our customers solve complex problems.

Our team helps you get the most from your assets 和 products at every stage of the lifecycle to help you to stay ahead of the competition.

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