im体育APP is a leading provider of specialized real-time simulation and testing services to the global automotive industry. Our experts apply automotive simulation testing to components, systems, and 完整的汽车 to provide the highest quality data to ensure the proper functionality of your products.

Real-time simulation provides valuable data for evaluating product life and identifying deficient areas in the design. 模拟 also reduces test duration compared to proving ground durability schedules and is, 因此, a useful tool to accelerate time to market and minimize long-term costs.

Be it evaluating individual components, 子系统, 或者完整的系统, im体育APP’s engineers support you through the whole product development process, developing comprehensive test plans tailored to fit your specific needs. 我们有驾驶的经验, 排气, 室内, 悬挂系统, 并可执行转角模块, half vehicle and full vehicle fixed reacted, 或惯性反应模拟试验.

Our real-time automotive simulation testing capabilities

im体育APP’s team of simulation experts offer extensive real-time simulation testing capabilities that cover a broad range of motor vehicles, 包括乘用车, 轻型和重型卡车, 公共汽车, 非公路用设备, 和更多的.

We utilize innovative test equipment, including 多轴模拟表(MAST), post道路模拟器, single and multi-axial servo-hydraulic systems, 定制床板, and spindle-coupled simulators (MTS 329 simulators). Our equipment allows us to test a broad range of vehicle components and systems, from 底盘和悬架 to 座位, 内饰, cooling modules, axles, engines and powertrain systems.

We also offer real-time simulation for testing Buzz, 吱吱声, and Rattle (BSR) to determine the fit and wear of vehicle components as they are perceived acoustically.

To learn more about our real-time simulation testing, or to speak with one of our experts, 立即im体育APP.

im体育APP提供4 & 6-post simulation as an effective and inexpensive method of performing full vehicle structural durability, supporting the global automotive and 军事 industries. We test a variety of vehicle types, from passenger cars to light trucks up to circa 11,000 lb. 总. 

我们的4 & 6-post simulator accurately reproduces vertical road surface events out to 50 Hz. We also have the capability to provide environmental conditioning to include high and low temperatures (-40°C to + 85°C), 相对湿度(高达95%), 以及全光谱太阳辐射. These combined inputs provide the OEMs, Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers with an invaluable tool for advanced and ongoing development of modern vehicle systems. 


im体育APP’s laboratories are equipped with multi-axial road simulators to provide durability testing of full or partial vehicle systems via simulation of proving ground-measured responses, 随机/正弦输入, 或者通用的驱动器文件响应. 

Our test systems allow testing a variety of vehicle types, from passenger cars to light trucks up to approximately 11,000 lb. 总. Our expertise in real-time simulation within the transportation and automotive industries enables us to test different systems, 从坐标系, 悬架, and body to many partial vehicle systems, 包括前/后悬架, 以及悬架到框架的接口. 

We also perform corner module and half car simulation tests as an alternative to full vehicle simulation when preliminary results are required early in the development process.


im体育APP’s state-of-the-art servo-hydraulic equipment replicates a variety of environmental conditions encountered during the operation of a vehicle system. 

Servo-hydraulic testing of components and systems is particularly suited for applications in automotive, 军事, 商业, 建设, 农业, and 铁路 to replicate real-time conditions (loads, 部队, 位移, and accelerations) on your components. 

测试 requires the help of complex test infrastructure. Our laboratories house both single and multi-axial servo-hydraulic systems as well as 定制床板 designed to accommodate your specific testing requirements.


  • 动力循环电池
  • 体组件
  • 发动机支架
  • 热排气系统
  • 油箱 for automotive and 军事 applications
  • 软管
  • 暖通空调系统
  • 仪器面板
  • 动力系统安装
  • 散热器
  • 座位
  • 电气系统


振动测试功能640 × 480


im体育APP is at the forefront of vehicle dynamics testing, providing critical testing services to clients in the global automotive, 国防, 铁路, 航空航天, 交通运输部门.

Multi-Axial 模拟 Table (MAST) 测试


im体育APP is your partner in multi-axial simulation testing. Our Multi-Axial 模拟 Table (MAST) is able to perform six degrees of freedom real time simulation in order to ensure your products are able to handle their end-use environments.


汽车嗡嗡声,吱吱声 & 喋喋不休的测试

im体育APP’s large multiaxial silent shaker can perform buzz, 吱吱声, and rattle (BSR) testing with fast turnaround times on components up to 700lbs, to help manufacturers create quieter products.



im体育APP’s unique electromagnetic sled has the highest level of accuracy, 可重复性, and efficiency when compared to any other sled system currently available on the market.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.