im体育APP provides a comprehensive range of in-situ replication metallography and replica testing services to help you determine the strength, quality and remaining lifetime of your materials, 避免灾难性的失败, and ensure safe and productive operations. 


复制 metallography is a non-destructive sampling procedure which records and preserves the topography of a metallographic specimen as a negative relief on a plastic film. The microstructural replica can be examined using a light microscope or Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) for subsequent analysis.

The replicas may pick up loose particles or residue from the surface, which may be used for 能源 Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis.


In-situ replication metallography and replica test capabilities 

As one of the largest independent providers of non-destructive testing (NDT) services, im体育APP offers unrivaled experience and expertise in in-situ replication metallography to perform and analyze replica tests for obtaining microstructures on-site, for subsequent examination and evaluation in fully accredited laboratory.

With over 20 years of experience in Petrochemical, 炼油厂, 工业 and 石油 and Gas industries, we can perform replica tests on a wide range of metals and alloys such as austenitic stainless steels, 镍和铬基合金, 碳钢, 低合金钢, 双相不锈钢.

From on-site evaluation of a component’s metallurgical and heat treatment condition to conducting a remaining life assessment study and a failure analysis project, our skilled teams of metallurgists can verify the on-site, non-destructive microstructure of any given component. 


In-situ testing, analysis and interpretation 

im体育APP combines a diversity of advanced metallographic equipment and tools with a dedicated team of 经验丰富的冶金学家 to conduct high quality of all replica examinations and deliver accurate and reliable results that you can trust. 

我们遵循ASTM 1315的指导方针, ASTM E3, ASTM E340和ASTM E407进行识别, prepare and examine in-situ metallographic replicas. 

Our metallurgists are highly skilled in the 准备副本 using a number of techniques and can advise you in choosing the appropriate method for your specific project needs.


In-situ replication metallography and replica examination services

  • 组织评估
  • Creep damage assessment – mostly on high-pressure and high-temperature equipment such as steamlines, 锅炉和反应堆.
  • Thermal degradation of the materials - mostly on stainless steels in high-temperature equipment, where detrimental precipitation and the 致敏程度 (DOS)可以评估. Thermal degradation can also occur during unwanted high-temperature exposure, 例如火灾损坏或热点.
  • 失效分析/裂纹分析
  • 氢脆(HE) 
  • 应力腐蚀开裂(SCC) 
  • 晶间腐蚀(IGC) 
  • 石墨化 



Our 从事专家 combine tests to get the most complete indication of the examined equipment; for instance, to determine whether a material has been thermally degraded, 副本测试与 硬度测量. If microstructure examination is not sufficient on the surface alone, our metallurgists can take boat samples for examinations on (partial) cross-sections.

For more information about how we perform in-situ replication metallography and replica testing, 或者要求报价, 立即im体育APP

  1. 地点选择 
  2. 目视检查 
  3. Surface and specimen preparation (metallographic grinding, polishing and etching)  
  4. 显微组织检验
  5. 复制 
  6. 复制品检验 

复制 Metallography: A Non-Destructive Solution 

im体育APP discusses replication metallography as a non-destruction solution to metallurgical evaluation.


White Paper: What is Metallurgical 测试? 

Metallurgical testing covers a huge scope of industries. Could metallurgical testing be helpful for you? Dr. John Tartaglia helps guide you through the basics of metallurgical testing.



Discover hydrogen embrittlement as Vikram Nanda, an expert in metallurgy and metallurgical failure analysis, provides answers to commonly asked questions in this article.


现场金相检验 and 分析

im体育APP offers a wide portfolio of on-site metallographic testing and analysis to monitor real-time component condition and detect potential or existing damage.



Find out how im体育APP's global team of failure analysis experts learn from the past, to help prevent future failures in service. 

蠕变测试640 x 480


Find out how im体育APP uses a variety of stress rupture and creep test methods to assess the effect of long term stress on metals, composites and a range of other advanced materials.



Learn more about our laboratories - where they are located; the unique capabilities they have and how they can help you solve your technical and commercial challenges.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.