
The 欧洲an Commission's 低压定向制导




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西蒙Barrowcliff is a highly experienced expert in product testing, assessment, certification & 批准.

欧盟委员会的官员 低电压指令2014/35/EU (LVD)指南 is available for those seeking further practical advice and guidance on the Directive before CE标志ing. This document compared to the guide for the previous Low voltage directive and hence provides additional detail on the application of this important safety directive.


The guide has been published by the 欧洲an Commission to provide a user-friendly reference on how the Directive should be applied and helps to clarify the responsibilities and obligations of manufacturers, 授权代表, 分销商, 和进口商.



The Directive applies to all electrical equipment designed for use with a voltage rating of between 50 and 1000 V for alternating current and between 75 and 1500 V for direct current. Voltage ratings refer to the voltage of the electrical input or output, not to voltages that may appear inside the equipment.

具有多种评级的产品, input, 和输出, are considered within the scope of the Low voltage directive when the highest of the voltage ratings falls within 1000V for alternating current or 1500V for direct current.

Battery-operated equipment with a supply voltage rating below 50 V AC and 75 V DC, but which can operate via mains power from an accompanying power supply unit (e.g. laptop or notebook) can also be within the LVD scope.

If equipment contains a radio device then it falls under the 无线电设备指令2014-53-EU (RED),for product safety would use the LVD but without the lower voltage limit.



Electrical equipment exceeding 1000V AC or 1500 V DC falls outside the low voltage directive according to Article 1 of the directive.

Battery-operated equipment outside the voltage rating is outside the scope of the LVD (exceeding 1000V AC or 1500 V DC), 然而, any accompanying battery charger or equipment with an integrated power supply unit within the voltage ranges of the LVD would still be included within the scope.

Electrical equipment listed in Annex II of the LVD is excluded from the scope of the LVD such as electrical equipment for use in an explosive atmosphere, 这是由 ATEX-Directive欧盟2014/34 /.

Further exclusions from the Low Voltage Directive:

  • Electrical equipment for radiology and medical purposes
  • Electrical parts for goods and passenger lifts
  • 用电计量装置
  • 家用插头及插座
  • 电动围栏控制器
  • 专用电气设备, 在船上使用, 飞机或铁路, that comply with the safety provisions by international bodies in which the Member States participate
  • Custom built evaluation kits destined for professionals to be used solely at research and development facilities for such purposes


Manufacturers are required to conduct and document an adequate analysis and assessment of the safety risks before issuing an 欧盟合格声明.

If the harmonized standard route has been followed, the manufacturer must apply the right one and maintain compliance throughout the manufacturing life of the product. The manufacturer also now has an additional duty to determine if the standard is fully adequate for the product and its environment.

If a product is identified to be at higher risk (e.g. 电热器具), the manufacturer is also responsible for performing ongoing sample testing of electrical equipment after placing it on the open market. This process of sampling must all be recorded in the technical documentation.



For products that fall within the LVD or RED scope, 低压指示试验 is recommended to ensure compliance, products will be required to carry the CE标志 and the correct documentation to support the manufacturers declaration of conformity.

If you would like support in understanding your obligations under the Low voltage directive, including the reviewing of your technical documentation, 请 立即im体育APP.

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