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詹姆斯·丹尼尔斯 is the General Manager of im体育APP’s Connected Technologies business in the UK, 目前负责我们船体的运营, 科梅达, 莫尔文, 温伯恩和牛津实验室.

EMC tests make sure that electronic devices don't produce too much electromagnetic radiation, 太空设备继续正常工作.

在理论上, 空间 products should be straightforward to design and certify since there are fewer electronics in 空间 比在地球上, 但在现实中, 空间 presents a greater challenge than other electromagnetic environments. 

空间系统需要在不降低性能的情况下运行. 在太空系统任务的各个阶段:发射前, 发射, 和部署, EMC环境将发生变化.



If EMC challenges are not correctly addressed in 空间 systems, it can cause costly mission failures. 为了确保成功,EMC工程必须是健壮的. 这包括强调对细节的理解, 连续的评估, 广泛的测试, 在整个项目生命周期中保持持续的警惕.

有一些久经考验的EMC技术可以解决EMC问题. 然而, 因为太空项目雇佣了多个承包商, 管理, 集成, 分区对它们的成功至关重要.




  • 等离子体充电
  • 磁清洁
  • 无源互调
  • 核的影响
  • 高强度射频
  • 进行排放
  • 进行了磁化率
  • 辐射排放
  • 辐射敏感性 



Spacecraft charging is the build-up of electrostatic charge on 空间craft surfaces or in the interior. Differential charging is when there is a potential difference between two parts of a 空间craft. This can happen when the electrostatic potential of the 空间craft's surface varies in relation to the surrounding plasma environment.


  • 热等离子体环境
  • 高能电子
  • 太阳辐射
  • 磁场 

航天器充电有许多影响. Differential charging rather than absolute charging is the most dangerous. It can lead to surface arcing or electrostatic discharges (ESD) between surfaces and give rise to various operational anomalies. 打击违规行为, design solutions include conductive bonding between different surfaces and applying conductive surface treatments to non-conductive surfaces.



The Earth's magnetic field is a magnetic dipole that is displaced from the center of the Earth by ~ 436 km. The Earth’s DC magnetic field is used for altitude Navigation purposes. 

It is crucial to 控制 and measure the DC magnetic fields within the 空间craft in case the payload is susceptible. (note: these methods of measurement do not appear in any Military Standard). im体育APP’s experts have created unique test methods to achieve these fundamental goals.



Spacecraft employ multiple onboard 广播 transmitters and receivers for command, 控制, Navigation, 和通信. These co-located transmitters may cause unwanted passive intermodulation products and create electromagnetic interference with other wireless systems because of frequency mixing. 

作为传统发射/接收测试领域的专家, im体育APP是建议和执行这些测量的合适人选. We quantify the effects as passive intermodulation as required by the 欧洲an Cooperation for Space Standardization (ECCS) and others alike. 



雷达, 广播, 电视, 以及其他地面设施, 舰载, 机载射频发射机发射电磁射频能量, 产生电磁高频电磁场. HIRF会扰乱或损坏任何电气设备, notably a 空间craft during the 发射 or tracking phase of the deployment. HIRF assessment involves extremely high levels of energy and only a few test facilities can offer these services, 包括im体育APP.



电磁脉冲, 有时称为瞬态电磁干扰, 是短暂的电磁能量爆发吗. It may originate from natural or human-made sources and can occur as a radiated, 电, 或者磁场. 

It can also occur as a conducted 电 current, depending on the source. These ionizing effects may adversely affect a 空间craft’s electronics. im体育APP can test for the secondary effects of a NEMP explosion and help with the electronic design if required. 



There is a requirement to protect the 空间 system against both the direct and indirect effects of lightning. 测试 at the system level is not essential but shall be verified by analysis. 在im体育APP, we have the expertise to test for both direct and indirect effects as well as offer design advice. 


一些众所周知的EMC现象可能对测试构成挑战. 例如, 辐射排放, 电场, 30mhz ~ 18ghz, 试验方法取自军用标准461. 

Spacecraft limits can be highly demanding in specific notches (usually in the communication bands). It is not possible without deviating from the standard to measure below the limit due to noise floor issues. The standard states to use a broadband horn antenna with physical dimensions giving a large antenna factor. Using the specified capacity, in most cases, it is not possible to be below the limit line. 

im体育APP, we have many horn antennas that can be used for the measurement. 这些具有高增益,因此天线系数较低. The antenna factor is added to the receiver reading which makes the overall measurement. By using a high gain horn antenna we can lower the noise floor while keeping the standard bandwidth.

Another challenge is the very low levels of field strength sometimes required of less than 1 V/m. 产品s require testing to ensure they work as intended and within their performance limits. 考虑到适度的水平,需要注意不要过度检测. 测试 can be a challenge as RF field sensors do not have the sensitivity to measure low field strengths.


EMC测试与认证 for a 空间 environment require bespoke tests and sensitive measurements. 与im体育APP咨询服务 团队, you can access a portfolio of testing facilities and engineering expertise for your EMC testing in 空间.

我们的服务包括生成控制计划, 测试计划, 测试数据, 定义测试方法, 并提供降低风险和设计方面的指导. 我们的专家可以提供帮助 R&D阶段一直到产品发布.


For more information on EMC testing in 空间 and EMC testing certification services, please 现在im体育APP

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im体育APP's 空间 testing services provide product qualification testing for aviation, 卫星和航天工业.



Our ASTM E595 testing service evaluates polymers and nonmetallic materials for the determination of out气体sing properties for the purpose of qualification for 空间 applications.



im体育APP’s global EMI and EMC testing services include programs for aero空间, 国防, 医疗设备和商业产品.



im体育APP has a proven record of delivering high-volume EMI/EMC testing to meet standards such as RTCA/DO-160 for civil aircraft requirements.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.