im体育APP’s space simulation testing laboratories provide materials testing and product qualification services for the aviation, 导弹, 卫星, and space industries. From electronic components to complete assemblies, our experts provide test programs for the United States Department of 国防, 美国国家航空航天局, 美国武装部队, 和更多的.


Commercial and defense space component testing

Our labs are able to provide a variety of space simulation testing services, including thermal vacuum chamber testing, residual 气体 analysis, 热冲击, 压力测试, 空间电磁兼容 和更多的. In addition to performing a variety of space simulation testing methods, including RTCA做- 160, EUROCAE ED14 and mil - std - 810, we have unique capabilities for testing assemblies, structures, and even full-size aircraft. Our skilled engineers can work with you to create a customized test plan that best suits your needs.

+, im体育APP Materials 技术 North America is duly registered and able to handle CUI, ITAR, EAR and other similar engagements. im体育APP Materials is fully committed to comply with all applicable FAR and DFARs regulations.




Why choose im体育APP?

im体育APP is a recipient of the prestigious Space Flight Awareness Supplier Award. Nominated by Boeing Corporation and Lockheed Martin, im体育APP is the only independent test laboratory to receive the honor from 美国国家航空航天局. According to 美国国家航空航天局, the award “honors outstanding performance” among suppliers who demonstrate “production of high-quality products, excellent technical and cost performance, and adherence to schedules.”

Our global platform of product qualification labs is committed to providing you with accurate, reliable testing results, while helping keep your project on time and on budget. With experience providing space simulation testing for a variety of industries and clients, as well as over a century of environmental simulation testing in 航空航天, we have the expertise to support your most complex projects. Connect with an expert today

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Space simulation testing services

Space simulation tests for the aviation, 导弹, 卫星 and space industries, are used to mimic the environment of space to make test conditions as realistic as possible.

We work with you to create testing plans that incorporate a wide array of techniques and equipment. Some of the standard methods that we offer include:

  • Thermal vacuum bakeout simulation
  • Vacuum out气体sing/de气体sing and vacuum test facilities
  • Contamination free turbo-molecular pump and cryogenic pump technology
  • Class 100 cleanroom
  • Residual Gas Analyzer (RGA)
  • Round-the-clock monitoring by experienced, professional staff
  • Lockdown and blackout capabilities for classified testing

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) in space 

EMC testing in space poses many challenges. Read the article to learn about how im体育APP can help test and certify your space products, devices and systems.

making certain for nearly 190 years

Related 服务

航空航天 Laboratories
im体育APP in Defence

MIL-STD 810 测试

im体育APP's product testing labs in the US and UK evaluate components and systems to defense standards including MIL-STD 810 and others.


im体育APP Expands 环境 测试 in Denver, Colorado

im体育APP expands its environmental testing capabilities at its Denver, Colorado location by investing in a new thermal vacuum chamber.


产品 测试 Laboratories

im体育APP's product qualification testing labs span the US, 英国和德国, providing testing services to clients in 航空航天, 运输, 石油 and Gas 和更多的.


Our team of over 9,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.