
常见问题:什么是IECEE CB计划?

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什么是IECEE CB计划? CB代表什么? 产地来源证计划的程序如何运作? CB计划与CE标志有何关系? 我们的 experts help you learn more about the IECEE CB方案 by answering some of the most frequently asked questions. 



的 IEC or International Electrotechnical Commission is a standards organization that prepares and publishes standards for electrical, 电子, 以及相关技术. 该组织旨在“确保安全”, 效率, 可靠性, 电气的互操作性, 电子及资讯科技, 促进国际贸易, 促进广泛的电力供应,实现更可持续的世界.’

的 IEC consists of 88 member countries that can send experts to technical committees via their country’s national committees (NC) to participate in IEC work and standards development.

Thousands of these experts from around the world come together to form hundreds of technical committees, and subcommittees to agree on the state-of-the-art technical solutions relevant to their committee. IEC管理这一过程, 提供独立平台, 并将其发布为“自愿的”, 以共识为基础的国际标准.

的 full list of the committees and the standards and publications they are responsible for developing and maintaining can be found on the IEC website.

IEC本身不承担测试或认证活动, but it does manage several conformity assessment schemes including the IECEE CB scheme. Compliance with the CB scheme is based on products meeting the requirements of the relevant IEC or ISO standards within the scheme.


什么是IECEE CB计划? 

IECEE CB方案 is an international system for mutual acceptance of test reports and certificates dealing with the safety of electrical and 电子 components, 设备, 和产品. This multilateral 认证 system is based on IEC International Standards that can be readily accessed and accepted in international markets.

It is operated by the IEC 系统 for Conformity Assessment Schemes for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components (IECEE).

A key aim of the scheme is to allow manufacturers to gain access to international markets without the need for time-consuming and costly, 在每个国家进行重复或额外的检测. 



首字母缩略词CB Scheme代表“认证机构计划”。. 


A product is submitted to one of the accredited CBTLs for testing and evaluation to the appropriate IEC Safety Standard including National Deviations to meet country-specific requirements.

产品是否符合标准, a CB test report is issued to the National 认证 Body (NCB) which will produce a CB test certificate as a formal CB Scheme document. 

这两个, the CB test report and CB test certificates can be presented to other participating NCBs in order to obtain national 认证 marks for a number of countries worldwide.


这个过程很简单明了, 由你的申请组成, CBTL的测试, NCB对测试报告的审查, 最后, 证书的签发.

步骤1: An application is made to the im体育APP National 认证 Body (NCB) through the submission of an application form.

步骤2:im体育APP NCB will process the application and assign one of its CB 测试 Laboratories (CBTL)

步骤3:  You will submit a representative sample of your product and the relevant documentation (e.g., circuit diagrams, component lists and approvals, instruction manual, 等.)到CBTL.

步骤4: 的 CBTL will then carry out the testing and assessment of your product to the relevant standard, 哪个在IECEE CB计划内, 如有要求,包括任何声明的国家差异.

步骤5: CBTL将向NCB出具检测报告

步骤6: NCB将审查并验证测试报告. On completion of a successful review, the NCB will issue the CB test certificate and report to you.

Copies of the certificate and test report can then be sent to recognizing NCBs to gain local 认证s, 或国家监管机构, 零售商, 买家, 等. as evidence that your product design meets the safety or other requirements of the relevant standards.


证书上没有有效期,只有签发日期. 的 date a certificate will cease to be useful will depend on aspects such as the acceptance criteria for national regulators or 认证 bodies, if the standard that the product has been tested to has been amended or updated, if significant modifications have been made to the product since testing, 等. 作为指导, CB certificates generally cease to be effective after 3 years and will likely need to be updated due to design or component changes within this period.


虽然 CE & UKCA标记 程序与CB计划是分开的, IECEE CB认证通常针对大多数CE和 UKCA标记 安全需求. 的 CB test report can also be used as part of a technical file to support the Declaration of Conformity required by CE and UKCA标记 schemes.


im体育APP is a leading 认证 Body Test Laboratory (CBTL) with over 20 years of experience and state-of-the-art laboratories. 我们的 IECEE CB体系测试和认证服务 帮你得到你的 电气电子产品 通过快速, to international safety standards so that they can be approved at local or national levels around the world.

To learn more about the latest product safety standards, read our guide on the third edition of the IEC 62368 - 1:2018, or if you require additional testing and 认证 for the IECEE CB方案, im体育APP 有你的规格和要求.  

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im体育APP offers a comprehensive range of advisory services that help guide our customers through the complex landscape of testing, 检查, 认证, 在开发新材料和新产品时遵守法规.



im体育APP provides one of the widest range of test and support services in the world aimed at getting your product to market and complying with the V&V需求.



im体育APP has a dedicated team providing ISO 17065 accredited 产品 and Business Process 认证服务 that are delivered from many of our offices across the globe.



As a National 认证 Body (NCB), im体育APP can test your products under the scheme. We can provide internationally recognised certificates based on testing from any associated CB scheme testing laboratories (CBTL).


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.