im体育APP为制造商和消费者提供专业的床垫测试服务, 医疗, 和机构im体育平台app下载评估易燃性, 耐用性, 以及产品的性能, 并帮助他们将更安全、更优质的产品推向市场.  

随着睡眠im体育平台app下载法规的不断发展, 我们的专家随时了解最新的合规要求, supporting bedding and mattress manufacturers with a variety of testing services that ensure their product is 符合目的 and compliant with all industry standards and regulations.  


    • ASTM六角形滚筒试验
    • ASTM康奈尔试验
    • 失效分析
    • 热力性能
    • 界面压力映射
    • 床垫气流
    • 床垫可燃性和明火性
    • 运动转移
    • 点弹性
    • 符合规范
    • 医用床垫性能

由于我们在该领域的广泛专业知识和全面的测试能力, 我们可以测试任何种类的床垫, 从医院病床到消费者, 军事, 还有酒店的床垫. 

我们测试可燃性, 耐用性 and performance by simulating the conditions that the product may face in real-world environments and give you results closer to the product behavior in the application. Our tests are critical to establish benchmark performance standards and plan for optimal service life. 


im体育APP的质量计划符合ISO/IEC指南17025标准, equivalent to the relevant laboratory requirements of the ISO 9002 series of standards. im体育APP is also approved by the Consumer 产品 Safety Commission (CPSC) to conduct 床垫可燃性测试 to 16 CFR Part 1632/1633.

我们和你一起走好每一步, increasing our capacity and expertise to help you meet the appropriate quality and regulatory standards and efficiently address 今天’s challenges.

We leverage our deep knowledge in mattress testing to ensure quality and integrity in the supply chain and help you bring the most advanced and safest sleep systems to the market. 

有关我们的床垫测试服务和测试的更多信息, im体育APP 今天. 

无论是为了热情好客, 医疗保健, 或零售, 我们可以帮助您建立各种im体育平台app下载标准的合规性, 包括:

  • ASTM康奈尔评估
  • ASTM D3574泡沫测试
  • ASTM地基冲击
  • ASTM六角辊
  • BFD IX-11
  • 波士顿IX-10 & IX-11
  • 买家规范
  • 加州结核117,117-2013
  • 加州结核121,129,133
  • 电脑坚定/ ILD
  • 16 CFR Part 1633明火
  • 16 CFR 1632香烟
  • RESNA/ANSI SS-1第2、3、4、5、6、7和8节(注第1节涵盖词汇)


与新的国家标准RESNA/ANSI SS-1同步, we evaluate a 床垫热性能 by conducting the Sweating Guarded Hot Plate method and the Body Analog method.

防汗热板法是床垫的特点, 高档床垫, and pillow designs for how well they promote heat and moisture flow away from the body. The buildup of heat and moisture can contribute to “tossing and turning” as the body seeks to alleviate the issue. A sweating guarded hot plate simulates the heat and perspiration output of the human body, 提供表面热保持方面的见解.

The Body Analog method evaluates the temperature and relative humidity between the fixture and the mattress surface. The build-up of heat and moisture between a sleeping person and a mattress can lead to discomfort and less restful sleep, 最终导致组织破裂. This test helps to assess a 床垫热性能 by quantifying the microclimate. 


床垫易燃性测试 & 明火

在防火测试方面拥有丰富的专业知识, im体育APP provides manufacturers in the sleep industry with specialist flammability and open flame testing on mattresses in compliance with CPSC 16 CFR 1632, 美国消费品安全委员会16 CFR 1633, 加州TB 129, 和波士顿IX-11.

2007年,消费者产品安全委员会, 美国联邦政府的一个分支, enacted an open flame regulation applicable to all mattresses sold in interstate commerce. 支持床上用品im体育平台app下载解决这个难题, im体育APP operates an advanced flammability laboratory that is one of only a few in North America and handles testing for mattress manufacturers worldwide.



im体育APP’s experts perform 耐用性 testing on mattresses by applying the Hexagonal Roller test and the Cornell test in accordance with ASTM F1566 and ASTM F1566-99.

六角形滚筒重240磅. hex-shaped roller that moves back and forth across the width of the mattress simulating typical sleep movement. 测试是在双床、全床或大号床垫或床垫套装上进行的. 这个测试的结果让我们了解了身高的变化, 坚定, 视觉上明显的退化. 

康奈尔测试代表了人类的臀部,使用230磅的重量. 加载到床垫表面在一个循环冲击格式, 从坐在床上模拟一切, 读书要偶尔“蹦床”使用. Firmness and thickness measurements are obtained to assess the amount of change that is brought on by the testing. A report summarizing the results includes a Compliance Percentage rating which gauges the sample’s performance compared with industry norms. 

im体育APP, we combine both of these procedures into a single 耐用性 test with a proprietary scoring system quantifying the sample performance in regard to industry criteria. The amount of change the sample experienced as compared to its initial state is also assessed. These values are especially helpful when comparing the results of other mattress designs tested in the same way as well as for future iteration changes. 



对医疗和消费应用都很有价值, interface pressure mapping uses live subjects and state-of-the-art Xsensor® equipment to determine body interface pressures on a test sample. 

床垫, 手术表, 的轮床上, 枕头, 轮椅坐垫已经用这种方法进行了测试. Data generated from the tests can be used to predict a product’s ability to reduce discomfort and promote proper blood circulation.



im体育APP's mattress testing laboratories conduct a variety of performance tests on bedding and mattresses to make sure that they fulfill their intended functions. 


  • 浸入式测试, 基于RESNA/ANSI SS-1, used to characterize a mattress design for how deep a standardized anatomical mannequin sinks in after 5 minutes
  • 运动传递测试, used to capture the effect that movement on one side of a mattress has on the adjacent side
  • 点弹性试验, 基于E DIN SPEC 68200:2016-05, used to measure how well the surface of a mattress adapts to the irregular shape of the body
  • 床垫气流测试, ASTM D3574第G部分, used to gauge how easily air passes through a mattress system when a specified level of suction is applied to the mattress surface.
符合ANSI/RESNA SS-1的医用床垫测试


im体育APP is A2LA-accredited for ANSI/RESNA SS-1 testing protocols for 医疗 mattresses.

We offer best-in-class delivery, substantial project capacity, and precisely accurate data. Our technical guidance assists manufacturers in providing consistent quality information about their products.

有关im体育APP医疗床垫测试功能的更多信息, 点击这里.





Our 家具测试 services give peace of mind to manufacturers ensuring their product is safe, 耐用, 符合目的, 并符合各大家具检测标准.



im体育APP offers a complete set of building materials testing to ensure the materials are safe in their application, 顺从并最终符合目的.



了解im体育APP的全球故障分析专家团队如何从过去中吸取教训, 帮助防止服务中的故障. 



发现博客文章, 文章, 白皮书, 在线研讨会, 以及来自我们世界领先测试的建议, 检查, 认证专家.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.